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Benefits of High-Pressure Drain Cleaning
Are you struggling with stubborn clogs in your plumbing? Our professional technicians at KB Complete in Kansas City, MO, can help with our exceptional
How to Go Green and Slash Utility Costs!
5 Ways to Save Money on Your Utility Bill In the United States, a recent report shows that household utility bills average around $163 per month. Alarmingly, the data collected also indicates a 2 percent increase in household spending on utilities alone. Electricity rates, in fact, add more than $250 to a household’s annual electricity bills. Here’s […]
Family Fun Month
Family Fun Month The warm, lazy days of summer offer many opportunities to enjoy time with the family. You don’t have to escape on a long, exotic vacation to have memorable times, enjoy the outdoors, and have new experiences. You can plan a variety of activities that provide fun, chances to learn new things and […]
Summer is Coming, Time to Prepare Your AC
Summer is Coming. Time to Prepare Your AC Do you make a point every year of preparing your A/C prior to the hot summer months? The time to do it is now and it is a habit to keep up every year. The benefits are numerous. Including energy efficiency, cost savings, a chance to extend the life […]
Financial Planning Month
Financial Planning Month Can you believe we only have three more months before the new year? It’s time to examine your monthly spending, by analyzing your current spending and making plans for the months ahead. 1) Managing Expenses Make a list of all your expenses. A good way to do this is by looking at […]
Common Plumbing Myths
Common Plumbing Myths Your home plumbing system efficiently provides you with access to water for all household requirements. But without a clear understanding on the system’s performance, you may not be able to pinpoint plumbing issues before they become a long-standing and expensive problem to resolve. And so to help guide you in safeguarding your […]
5 Ways to Tell if Your Home’s Thermostat is Malfunctioning
5 Ways to Tell if Your Home’s Thermostat is Malfunctioning If your home’s thermostat is malfunctioning, the first thing you may notice is that the temperature of your home is too hot or too cold. This may not indicate a problem with the thermostat, but it could. Thermostat repair and replacement are easy jobs for Kansas City […]
Setting New Year’s Resolutions
Setting New Year’s Resolutions With the year dwindling to a close, many people are engaging in self-reflection. They are thinking about all of the things they have accomplished and what more they could have done. Many will reflect on issues relating to self-control, such as weight loss or kicking an old habit, like smoking. However, […]
Here are Some Monthly HVAC Maintenance Tips to Prevent Expensive Repairs
Here are Some Monthly HVAC Maintenance Tips to Prevent Expensive Repairs Your HVAC system is a vital part of the home, keeping the environment under your control and comfortable no matter how hot the summer is, or how howling cold the winter has become. But, as with any piece of equipment, it doesn’t run perfectly […]
Family Fun Month
Family Fun Month The warm, lazy days of summer offer many opportunities to enjoy time with the family. You don’t have to escape on a long, exotic vacation to have memorable times, enjoy the outdoors, and have new experiences. You can plan a variety of activities that provide fun, chances to learn new things and […]