7 Common Causes of Home Heating Loss in Leawood

With the winter months quickly arriving, maintaining heating your Leawood home is more important than ever. It’s also vital to avoiding becoming a human popsicle. Feel as though you are turning up the heat too often? There are quite a few common causes of home heating loss that quickly lead to significantly higher bills and […]
Split System Air Conditioners: What Are They and What Are Their Benefits?

Keeping up with home maintenance, especially during the winter season can be overwhelming, but the holidays are the perfect time of year to take stock of your appliances. Your HVAC system works especially hard when the snow falls, and it may be time for a replacement. The average lifespan of an air conditioner is 15-20 […]
4 Signs That A Ductless Mini-Split AC May Be Right For You

There are a lot of options out there for cooling systems. You have the standard central air systems, evaporative coolers, and even the classic window units. And that’s just scratching the surface of the deep, deep rabbit hole that is the air conditioner market. An often-overlooked variety is the ductless mini-split, which shares qualities of […]
The Furnace Is Making a Banging Noise – Should I Be Worried?

The Furnace Is Making a Banging Noise – Should I Be Worried? Is your gas furnace making a loud banging or thumping noise when you turn it on? If so, you know exactly how concerning those noises can be! At Minnick’s, we commonly receive calls from homeowners describing startling noises coming from their heating systems. It’s […]