Top Plumbing Tips to Save Money in the New Year In Kansas City

Top Plumbing Tips to Save Money in the New Year In Kansas City As The Cold Weather sets In Around Kansas City Follow These Plumbing Tips From KB Complete. Repair Leaks As the cold weather really sets in around Kansas City, it is best to check for any leaks around your home. It is easier […]
How To Avoid Winter Drain Problems In Kansas City

If there is one thing people do not want during the winter season, it is a clogged drain. In some cases, there could be serious ramifications if you do not consider the following tips. Repairs for drains can put a damper on your mood as well as your wallet. What can you do to solve […]
21 Tips for Heating Maintenance in Overland Park

Cooler weather is coming soon, so it’s the perfect time to focus on heating maintenance in Overland Park. It’s easy to forget about that when it still feels like summer out, but you should think ahead to what might happen if your heating system fails down the road. Obviously, losing the heat in your house […]
Common Plumbing Problems You May Encounter Before Winter Ends

Common Plumbing Problems You May Encounter Before Winter Ends Here are some common plumbing problems that the team here at KB Complete encounters every single winter and how we can help. Frozen and Burst Pipes When the temperature drops in Kansas City, the chance of your pipes freezing goes up. Anytime the temperature drops below […]
10-Point Spring HVAC Maintenance Checklist

10-Point Spring HVAC Maintenance Checklist Even though winter isn’t officially over yet, it is time to start thinking about Spring cleaning. Most folks think about Spring cleaning as a time to get rid of useless stuff you’ve been accumulating over the winter, a time to brush away the cobwebs, and to finally get rid of […]
The Inner-Workings of Your Toilet And Why They’re Important

Unless we’re in the plumbing business, we rarely think about toilets. They aren’t the subject of typical dinner time conversation, nor are they the centerpiece of an ordinary home. Yet what other appliance causes you more distress when it stops working? Unless you’re keen on digging holes in the backyard or forking out exorbitant amounts […]
Looking For A New Career Path? KB Complete Needs You!

A career in the home service fields may just be one of the most rewarding and professionally fulfilling paths you can take on. But like any field, finding the next step can be difficult. “Where do I look? What qualifications do I need? Is this a good company for me to call home?” When you […]
Getting to Know Your Plumbing System

How often do you really think about breathing? Unless you’re out of breath or you can’t catch your breath, probably not much. It’s just something your body does automatically without you focusing on it. Your plumbing system is the same way. It just works quietly in the background, doing its job. Just like sudden shortness […]
The In’s and Out’s of Drain Cleaning in Kansas City

Homeowners often take their plumbing for granted until something happens that needs immediate attention. A kitchen sink stops running or a toilet overflows and then the plumbing becomes a high priority. With a little drain cleaning, homeowners in Kansas City would never need to deal with plumbing emergencies. Here is how you can make sure […]
The Plumbing Maintenance Checklist

Conducting a routine plumbing maintenance check allows you to detect plumbing problems before they escalate into expensive repairs. The maintenance checklist provided below, if followed, will help you with the care and upkeep of your plumbing system: You need to keep your pipes from freezing by using the shut off valve. Forgetting to use this […]