Getting to Know Your Plumbing System

How often do you really think about breathing? Unless you’re out of breath or you can’t catch your breath, probably not much. It’s just something your body does automatically without you focusing on it. Your plumbing system is the same way. It just works quietly in the background, doing its job. Just like sudden shortness […]
Looking For A New Career Path? KB Complete Needs You!

A career in the home service fields may just be one of the most rewarding and professionally fulfilling paths you can take on. But like any field, finding the next step can be difficult. “Where do I look? What qualifications do I need? Is this a good company for me to call home?” When you […]
The Inner-Workings of Your Toilet And Why They’re Important

Unless we’re in the plumbing business, we rarely think about toilets. They aren’t the subject of typical dinner time conversation, nor are they the centerpiece of an ordinary home. Yet what other appliance causes you more distress when it stops working? Unless you’re keen on digging holes in the backyard or forking out exorbitant amounts […]
How to Stop Your Toilet from Sweating

As homeowners, we don’t often think about the possibility of our toilets sweating, but if you live in a humid climate, it’s entirely possible for this to happen. The phenomenon of a sweating toilet occurs when the water inside the toilet tank is colder than the temperature of the air in the bathroom. The result […]