Homeowners often take their plumbing for granted until something happens that needs immediate attention. A kitchen sink stops running or a toilet overflows and then the plumbing becomes a high priority. With a little drain cleaning, homeowners in Kansas City would never need to deal with plumbing emergencies. Here is how you can make sure their drains are always working properly.

The Nightmare of Clogged Drains

By not spending some time to maintain the drainage system in the home, a person opens themselves up to several unfortunate realities. When any problems in the drains occur, a homeowner can experience:

All of this increases the stress of being a homeowner. This can be prevented with a little DIY home plumbing maintenance.

Benefits to Proactive Drain Maintenance

For a small investment of time and effort on their drains, the homeowner gains much throughout the year. The benefits include:

This is especially important in large households where several people may contribute to the drains becoming clogged. The more people living in the house, the higher the risk of a drain problem if regular maintenance is not performed.

Plumbing Maintenance for the Homeowner

There are a number of ways that a homeowner can ensure that their drains are in proper working order. None of these take much time and are easy for any person to do. The first step is maintaining the drains to prevent them from stopping up. Next, one should be ready in case a clog does develop so they can react quickly to clear the drain.

Preventative Maintenance Steps

These actions will help to prevent clogs from happening:

In case a drain blockage happens, the homeowner should have on hand:

Typical Drain Clogs

If a clog should occur, a homeowner can try to clear it out themselves. Their success depends on the type of clog they encounter. There are two clogs a homeowner is likely to face:

Soft clog – This is made up of hair and skin cells and is usually found in bathroom sinks, tub and shower drains. The clog stays soft and rarely compacts in the drain. These are normally easy to remove.

Hard clog – This is caused by grease and foods sticking to the sides of the drain pipe. Once the clog accumulates enough material to completely block the drain, it will continue to compact itself in the drain and become a hard mass. The longer a hard clog sits, the hard it is to remove.

Removing a Soft Clog

These clogs can often be removed by the homeowner.

Removing a Hard Clog

If here is standing water, use a wet and dry vacuum to remove all of the water before attempting to unclog the drain.

Drain Cleaning Techniques to Avoid

Chemical drain cleaners – These are very dangerous to work with and can damage a person’s skin and eyes should they splash onto them.

Water balloons – These devices fit onto the end of a garden hose and are slipped down into the drain. When the water is turned on, it expands the balloon, sealing it against the sides of the drain pipe. Water is then forced down into the drain to try to loosen the clog. These devices can easily break plumbing fixtures or cause them to come apart.

Many household drain clogs can be dealt with by the homeowner. If they prove resistant to several attempts, a professional drain cleaning service should be considered. They can remove any clog without damaging the existing plumbing.

How can KB Complete help me with drain cleaning in Kansas City?

If you find yourself dealing with any of the issues mentioned above, call a professional plumber from KB Complete. If you are experiencing two or more of these at once, then call sooner rather than later. A small plumbing issue can easily escalate into a bigger issue. Save yourself the hassle of slow drains and backups by getting a drain cleaning in Kansas City with KB Complete. 

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